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Paleo Breakfast Bowl

Paleo Breakfast Bowl

Paleo Breakfast Bowl


2 Eggs  

50 g Smoked Salmon  1/2 Avocado  

2 Cups of Sautéed Kale  1 tsp Olive Oil  

1 tsp Coconut Oil


Start by chopped and washing 2 cups of kale. Once that is done heat up a pan on medium heat  with a little bit of olive oil and add the kale for about 5 minutes. While the kale is sautéing  prepare the eggs the way you like them (scrambled, sunny side up, fried, etc..). Lastly slice up half  an avocado and measure out 50 grams of smoked salmon. Once everything is ready combine in a  wide bowl and enjoy. 


Fat: 35 g  

Carbs: 20 g  

Net Carbs: 4 g  

Protein: 29 g  

Total Calories: 489 Calories  


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